Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Buenos Dias!

You may wonder why I’m greeting you in Spanish today. Well, I’m writing from Barcelona, Spain. I’m here with my prayer partner on a journey of prayer. Some twelve years ago we heeded the call from God to begin these trips. Each nation has been wonderful, challenging, and in need of God’s mercy and grace.

Why would God choose two blonde, middle-aged, obviously American women to travel the world for prayer? It doesn’t seem to make logical or even reasonable sense except that we said “Yes.”

If you’re reading this blog it’s undoubtedly because you’re a Christian looking for encouragement and solid teaching from God’s Word. My trips, which always includes Israel, assist me in those teachings. I stand on the Promised Land that God gifted to His chosen people. I walk those places that we read about in scripture: Capernaum, Calvary, Gethsamane, Mt. Zion, the Mt. Of Olives, Jerusalem, and I experience them for you. God speaks to me of walking in His ways in Capernaum since that was Jesus’ ministry headquarters. I read the account of Palm Sunday and Passion Week from the Garden of Gethsamane, Calvary, and I’m able to write of His forgiveness, justification, and righteousness. I stand on Mt. Zion knowing that King David, the forerunner of Jesus, the Messiah, is the Root or Seed of David. The highest privilege I have is to view the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem from the Mt. Of Olives knowing He’s returning to earth from there. I believe that every Christian should make a pilgrimage to Israel but if you can’t, I promise to weave it into my teachings each week.

The Greek word from the Bible that means ‘to send’ is apostolos. Can you see our word apostle? When God sends you somewhere on this earth it is an apostolic mission. Now, I’m not saying I’m an apostle. I’m saying that God has sent me, with His mission as my goal post, to pray and declare His Word to the nations. For those of you who don’t know me and will never meet me, I go with my husband’s blessing and the financial needs met. It is serious and I don’t take the assignments lightly. I study, research, and pray for many months before we go in order to hear God clearly and accurately.

You may think, that’s true for her but it’s not for me. Maybe not to the nations… but what about to your neighbor? God sends all of us to accomplish His purposes whether it’s around the world or around the corner; you are a ‘sent one’. He has the same mercy and grace for people in your city as He does for St. Petersburg, Rome, Athens, London, or Cairo. Your testimony is important. Your life matters to God. He may have an apostolic assignment for you today. Will you join us by simply saying ‘yes’ to the Lord, “I’ll go, send me.”

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