Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Midweek Message from the Archive

God’s Family

The Church is Christ’s Church and He is possessive and quite jealous over her. He created and He has sustained her, His Bride, for two millennium. He is returning on the last day to finalize the marriage. This love affair began in Jerusalem, advanced throughout the world, and is completing its circular cycle back to Jerusalem where Jesus will return. His Church is destined to remain His Bride and spouse for all eternity and Satan simply does not have the power to overthrow or vanquish her. He tries to triumph over her but they are futile attempts; Christ’s Church grows stronger with persecution. Truly a mystery.

Corporately, we are all in this same family, regardless of our time period in history or our place on the planet. We are a community of saints and for that reason the apostle Paul gave us instructions on behavior. We just completed another holiday where some of us were challenged in the ‘family arena’. Families can be difficult, even dysfunctional, but we are encouraged by Jesus and the other writers of the New Testament to forgive and love. It’s the same in the Church.

Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone— especially to those in the family of faith. (Galatians 6:10 NLT)

Since individual churches resemble families, we care for one another in love in spite of our differences. We obviously won’t agree on everything; we will have different opinions and perspectives, but we are commanded to love, forgive, and serve one another. There is a unique sense of unity when you worship with your church family, fellowship over a meal, and celebrate Holy Communion together. The book of Acts tells us that when others observe this great joy and generosity among believers they are drawn in to praise our Lord and often get saved as a result. That’s a good reason to experience this love relationship.

Our church family is also the household of God. The way we conduct ourselves is seen by the community and speaks volumes. The Church is God’s household, His inheritance, His people, His kindred, and He is alive among us and in us. This truth is one of the pillars and the foundation that the Church is built upon. Whatever nation you belong to, whatever individual church or denomination you are a part of; you are a part of the bigger picture: God’s collective residence.

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