Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Finding Jesus’ Spiritual Identity

Mark 11&12

It’s the beginning of the end for Jesus as He entered the City of the Great King: Jerusalem. It’s all pomp and circumstance from the people; no one would’ve believed that just a few days later these same people would be shouting, “Crucify Him!” Hosanna in Hebrew means “Lord, save us!” and in Greek it’s a cry of praise, either way the people were glad He had arrived.

The next day Jesus encountered a fig tree and, interestingly enough, He spoke to it. Talking to trees; ok, that’s a new one. However, Jesus is showing us the lower and upper story yet again. The tree should’ve had not only luscious leaves but also accompanying early, smaller fruit; it did not. That’s the lower story but it was also prophesied:

… there is no cluster to eat, no first-ripe fig that My soul desires. Mic. 7:1

Leaves but no fruit (lower story) means it’s all show, like a masquerade, and Jesus cursed it; that means He vehemently called down a message of doom. The upper story is that God expects fruit in our lives as well: spiritual fruit (Gal. 5:22-24). Our churches can’t be all about the show but about a heart for the people.

Jesus’ upper story explanation (vs. 20-26) leads us right into faith, prayer, and forgiveness. Isn’t that His spiritual identity on every page?

Since this is His last week on earth Jesus took every remaining opportunity to teach Kingdom Principles even directing the first one against the religious leaders (Ch. 12:1-12). They, in turn, continued their attempt to trap Him but to no avail. It’s fascinating they used the topic of resurrection since they’re famous for not even believing in it! Cagey.

In His wisdom Jesus took them back to the scriptures and their esteemed prophet, Moses and one of the scribes began to understand (vs. 28-34): one convert. 

If someone asked you what is the most important commandment how would you answer? Jesus took them back to scripture and quoted the Shema from Dt. 6:4-5 and Lev. 19:18: Love God and Love people. Good answer.

Jesus’ common pattern of stretching and challenging our faith continues to the end of Chapter Twelve. The people were very excited Jesus brought up David from Ps.110 and the upper story but He also challenged their thinking regarding giving. The contrast of the rich and poor, yet again, is striking. This challenge causes all of us to remember that He’s not about the lower story but about the heart. May our fruit (upper story) reflect that.

The Second Coming of Christ will take place in Jerusalem, the City of our God, and the King will be with us again in the newness of all creation:

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21:2 ESV

Oh, what a day!

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