Faithful on Fridays Blog

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Finding Jesus’ Spiritual Identity

Mark 15 & 16

Jesus was questioned by the religious leaders all night and then was transferred to Pontius Pilate who continued, “Are you the King of the Jews?” The inevitable answer is “Yes” but for now prophecy must be fulfilled; Jesus had a higher goal to achieve.

He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet He never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the shearers, He did not open His mouth. Unjustly condemned, He was led away. No one cared that He died without descendants, that His life was cut short in midstream. But He was struck down for the rebellion of My people. Isaiah 53:7-8 

You know the story of the Passion but let me give you several upper stories to think about, starting with the release of Barabbas.

Barabbas was a convicted criminal who deserved punishment and death.

We are convicted sinners who deserve punishment and death (Eph. 2:1-3).

Barabbas’ name means ‘son of the father’ (John 8:44).

Our new spiritual identity in Christ makes us ‘sons of the Father’ (2 Cor. 6:18).

Barabbas’ life was saved because of an exchange.

Our lives are saved because of the Great Exchange.

Jesus was Barabbas’ substitute.

Jesus is our substitute.

Another lower to upper story is the method of crucifixion. The Greek word for ‘crucify’ and ‘cross’ means to be placed in an upright position: standing. Jesus died in that standing position, the lower story, but He didn’t stay there; He rose again, back to a standing position, upper story.

And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain … Revelation 5:6a 

Satan thought he’d won when Jesus was declared dead but a surprise visit awaited him in Hades when Jesus descended and declared Himself alive!

We close out this study of Mark’s gospel with some things to ponder. Peter chose to document Jesus’ rebuke for unbelief and hard hearts; I wonder if we can identify. When is it difficult to trust God: with your marriage, your kids, your job, or where you find yourself in life? Has your heart become impenetrable due to hurts or rejection? I have encouragement for you today; He’s alive and He loves you so be patient, He isn’t finished yet.

Jesus also gave out assignments to believers. Proclaim your faith; let there be no doubt you trust Him. You are empowered by His Spirit to stand, as He did, against the schemes of the devil. Proclaim your faith to him as well; that’s a powerful way to cast him out. Don’t be afraid to pray for people’s healing; it’s not your job to heal but to believe they will recover (vs. 18).

Jesus’ final spiritual identity attribute is King and the question of the religious and political leaders is still valid today: “Is He your returning King?”

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