Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Body of Christ: Scene Eight

When God came to earth in bodily form it’s called the incarnation. That means that Jesus left His divine form in heaven and took on the form of man: He received a body. When He left earth returning to heaven that incarnation remains, only this time it’s Christ in us. We are His Body, His incarnation. With that in mind it makes perfect sense that we are the hands and feet of Jesus.

Paul understood that truth; he emphasized that we should understand the spiritual gifts and use them to help people see Jesus through our actions. Whenever we minister to people in His name it’s as if He’s ministering to them. Undoubtedly that’s why Paul called prophecy the highest gift. Simply put, we become God’s speaker to people who need words of encouragement, comfort, building up, or teaching.

My intention is not to explain every gift listed in scripture but to encourage you to find that sweet spot in your church and use the grace-gifts He’s given you. He chose them specially for you and He desires to minister to others through you. 

You may find people drawn to your gifts of wisdom and knowledge (1 Cor. 12) in specific situations as the Spirit leads them to you. When the gift of faith operates it encourages others to trust God in the face of impossible circumstances or maybe you have the gift of giving generously (Rom. 12); that’s Jesus supplying those needs through you. You, as part of His Church, are His incarnation: His body.

When the Body of Christ experiences revival, refreshment, and renewal the outcome is always people desiring to serve God in more effective ways; that’s where the gifts of the Spirit enter. Learning about them, examining yourself and motives, and checking out the ministries you’re drawn to all lead you to discover in greater depth who you are in Christ. 

Check out the opportunities in your church and try some new ones; the Spirit often gives several gifts over time and they can change as He sees fit. Maybe the area of ministry isn’t offered at your church; could it be that the Spirit is nudging you to explore that area and be part of a team that meets that need? Talk to some people and get their perspective on how they see your individual gifts, what they observe that stirs up passion in your heart, and then brainstorm.

This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:6-7 

The body of Christ cannot reach it’s fulfillment until each part recognizes and operates in their gifts and the Spirit’s empowerment.

And the church is His body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with Himself. Ephesians 1:23 

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