Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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New Testament Faith: Part Four

Prophets and teachers in the church who, after a time of worship and fasting, audibly heard from the Holy Spirit in Acts 13. Their assignment was to send out Barnabas and Saul (Paul) to complete their calling: God’s work. Neither Barnabas nor Paul had walked with Jesus but they knew His story and their calling was to continue His work until He returned. Isn’t that the same with us? We tell the same stories of Jesus, we’re filled with His Spirit, and sent out to our mission field: maybe not another nation but simply family, neighbors, friends, or co-workers. 

As the church began to take off in modern day Turkey (strange, right?) God reminded the leaders we have an enemy: Satan. People, as we all must learn, are not our enemy, Satan is, therefore the church needed to discern between truth and error. So do we.

That enemy to God’s work opposed Barnabas and Paul by attempting to turn people from faith in Jesus Christ. Several sorcerers confronted Paul but he quashed their false power with Sprit-power and caused one of them to experience temporary blindness. Signs and wonders always prove God’s sovereignty and prevailing power; what was the result? The supernatural gifts of the Spirit proved that God’s claims were true and people believed. However, it didn’t stop there.

Paul’s effectiveness in preaching and teaching the gospel ignited people and they begged for more. He made his messages relevant, supported them with Scripture, and eventually the whole city came out!

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Gentile. Romans 1:16 

Everyone was excited and filled with joy as the apostles, prophets, and teachers fulfilled their roles in the church (Eph. 4:11) and faith was imparted.

And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the Word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed. Acts 13:48

As the gospel continued to spread the enemy stayed close by. Paul always went to the synagogue first and had success but unbelieving Jews poisoned their minds as fast as they could. It didn’t deter Paul and Barnabas, they continued to speak boldly and God granted signs and wonders by their hands (Acts 14:3). When Paul healed a man with faith the Jewish leaders had him stoned and dragged out of the city yet the disciples surrounded him and he walked away. That’s amazing.

The door of faith was opened to all but it was clear that experiences to test that faith would accompany entrance into God’s kingdom life. What about you? Are you enduring experiences that test your faith or cause you to question God? There are prophets and teachers in the church (Acts15:32) today, whether they’re labeled or not, who are sent to encourage and strengthen us with their words. We just have to listen.

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