The Model Church Continued: 2 Thes. 1:11-2:11
Paul prayed for this church (1:11-12) to be deserving of God’s calling to spread the gospel, making every effort to please Him, and the reminder of the Spirit’s power to meet that goal … not their own.
Whenever you begin a new ministry you’ve threatened Satan and he’ll slowly influence it with deception; he hates ministries that bring freedom in Christ and victorious living. A false teaching was quickly introduced and our model church was beginning to question: Did they miss some secret rapture? Did He come already and they’re left behind?
Entering into Chapter Two we find some controversial and yet true issues regarding what’s coming before Jesus’ return. Paul’s deadly serious that they don’t get shook up and waver in their faith regarding this deception Paul plans to clear it up. Before the Day of the Lord there will be a global rebellion (apostasy) against God and His Word leading people into lawlessness by one man. Is it the Antichrist? Is it the False Prophet, or the great, red Dragon (Rev. 12-13)? Call him whatever name you want, there are many in the Bible, but they’re all ‘anti-or against-christ’. Satan is His adversary or opponent and eventually Jesus will show His final act of power triumphing in the final battle on Judgment Day (Rev. 20:7-10).
Paul gives us great detail regarding this man of lawlessness or son of destruction because he knows the Old Testament foreshadows and where this teaching originated (Is. 27:1; Dan. 7:19-27, 11:29-45; Ez. 32:1-8). Jesus forewarned us as well,
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand. Mark 13:22-23
Paul didn’t have firsthand teaching from Jesus or John’s revelation of the end times but God gave him revelation that this man is ‘held back’, many believe by the Holy Spirit, until the precise time he will to be released and meet his final destiny. People who remain in their rebellion and refuse to believe in Him are deluded by Satan and condemned with him for eternity.
This community of believers, and churches today, are encouraged to remain strong in faith. Think about the power of influence from today’s media: Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, TV, podcasts, or mass emails. It wouldn’t be difficult for this man of lawlessness, Satan-driven, to put out the bait and watch people swallow it. The only way for believers to remain strong is to stay in His Word reading His forewarnings and take a stand for righteousness. The world won’t buy it because they take pleasure in unrighteous living but God’s chosen people, you and I, desire to please Him.
Whether you read the prophecies of the Old Testament, Jesus’ end times teachings, Paul’s perspective here, or the full account from John in Revelation it’s clear: we win.