Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Psalm 34:11-14

Today we make a shift as David moves us from God’s promises and our praise into a time of teaching. Following the Hebrew alphabet we come to the word that begins with the next letter: Come. David is beckoning the reader, as preschool children run to the story circle, to come along with him as he teaches. What teaching is so crucial that it’s included in the Scriptures? The fear of the Lord. Keeping God in that paramount place in our life and keeping ourselves low by acknowledging His Kingship and our servanthood. Nice contrast. Do you have someone in your life who spiritually encourages you with counsel, teaching, or simply good advice helping you maintain your low place of looking up and being awestruck, in fear, of God? Hang around other believers, come and go, as David said, with a listening ear.

In verse twelve we have a question: what man or who? Who doesn’t want a good, long life? How do you avail yourself to it? The key is found in the next two verses but right off the bat we have to admit that doing life His way is always a better option. I’ve tried it my way, ‘just do you’, I’m sure you have too, and it didn’t go that well. As my son tells his kids, “we can do this the easy way or the hard way.” That’s a no-brainer since He gives us all the answers to that good life in His Word; we just have to do it in the power of the Spirit, not in our own power.

First of all, in verse thirteen, we’re told to watch our mouths and never forget that the enemy leads us into any evil words: unkind, wounding, false (even a little), or unethical speech. Our words have power and we’re encouraged to use them to benefit people, not bring them down. Remember, words begin as thoughts, so watch what you’re thinking about others, possibly judging them, and nip those in the bud, rejecting them. The enemy can’t read your thoughts, he can only listen to your words, therefore, keep a tight rein on them. 

Secondly, David teaches, using the next letter, to turn or remove yourself from an evil temptation turning it into good. It’s not always easy, but with the power of His Spirit living in us, we have the ability to turn things around. What Satan intends for evil, God intends for good, however, if you want wholeness in your life, body, soul, and spirit, you must do it His way … which always turns into good. 

Again, do you want to live a good, long life? Who doesn’t? If so, you must submit to the Lord and seek His higher ways, we call it kingdom living, maintaining our low posture of humility as we exalt His high place in our Iives. 

God blesses those who are spiritually poor, realizing their need for Him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. Matthew 5:3

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