Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Midweek Message from the Archive

Means of Grace- Evangelism

This is the last episode on the ways that God blesses His Church: the means of grace. Evangelism wasn’t chosen last because it’s least important, but because it seems to starts the cycle all over agin. Evangelism can be a Billy Graham Crusade where hundreds of people come to the altar and get saved, but that’s only one example of true evangelism and Dr. Graham is only one in a select group of people whom God has chosen to operate in this way. Much more common is the simple message of sharing with others how God has affected our lives. Our testimony is irrefutable since it’s so personal; no one can say it isn’t true. 

People can argue doctrine, scripture, church methods or traditions but no one can argue the transformation God performed in your heart. Evangelism is sharing the good news of a renewed life with people who cross your path. It’s the Holy Spirit who puts the right the people in your path … if you desire it. How does evangelism, sharing Christ with others, qualify as a means of grace? Undoubtedly because the Holy Spirit fills your heart and mouth as you speak and you walk away knowing He has used you in someone’s life; that’s a blessing to you and to the Church. 

But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?

Romans 10:14 

Evangelism isn’t an end in itself. The Great Commission of Matt. 28:18 was not to get people saved; that’s God’s job. Our assignment is to make disciples after they have a trusting, saving relationship with Him. Therefore, it’s essential that evangelism and discipleship work together. 

“Well, evangelism isn’t my gift,” I’ve heard said (I’ve even said it). True, some may be called to operate in this gift with more frequency and passion, but we’re all called to share our faith with others. We’re encouraged to be prepared to share Jesus at all times for we never know when that divine appointment will come our way.

… preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2 

Francis of Assisi (10th century monk) is quoted as saying, “Preach the gospel everyday; if necessary, use words.” I like that because it shows that our lives as Christ-followers, the way we react and behave in front of others, is a testimony to Him. So don’t go out and rent a stadium, but pray for a divine appointment. Walk your neighborhood or enter a store with a prayer in your heart asking God for an opportunity to help someone. 

Follow your own style and watch the Holy Spirit work through you. The Greek word for evangelism translates ‘good news’; do you know anyone who could use some ‘good news’ today?

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