Faithful on Fridays Blog

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Midweek Message from the Archive

Episode Seven: Acts 11-12

It must have been a pretty exciting, yet scary day for Peter as he recounted the vision from God that opened the door of salvation to those outside the Jewish faith. This was a new day, so to speak, for the church. It’s not just a sect within Judaism anymore; Christianity is now for all who will repent and believe. You’d think the Spirit-filled church would be ecstatic, however, there was criticism in those early days. Chapter eleven shows how Peter handled the negativity by standing on the word he received from the Lord: ‘Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean.’

When the Holy Spirit speaks we are to listen and obey; Peter knew that and showed himself to be a great leader. 

And the Spirit told me to go with them, making no distinction. Acts 11:12a

That phrase, making no distinction, means to not doubt what God said even though it seems unbelievable. The baptism of the Holy Spirit that was experienced in Chapter Two is now happening again (vs. 15) … and again, and again. Peter knew he didn’t have the power to stand in the way of God’s grace even if he didn’t understand it; the Jewish Church leaders were convinced. The many signs and wonders were accomplishing exactly what the Spirit intended: And a great many people were added to the Lord (vs. 24b). The Holy Spirit wasn’t finished yet; He added prophets to the positions in the church (vs. 27), along with apostles, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Eph. 4:11) to prepare the saints for ministry and build up the Body of Christ. We still need each one today.

Running parallel to this fascinating story comes Chapter Twelve: enter Herod. You remember his grandfather, Herod the Great, who slaughtered the innocent Jewish babies in Bethlehem; this is his grandson, Agrippa I. After murdering one of Jesus’ best friends, the Apostle James, Herod believed his authority was more powerful than God’s and he had Peter arrested, and imprisoned. Thankfully, the cycle began again: prayer, signs and wonders, multiplication. Read the story of Peter’s rescue from prison in Acts 12:1-11; its a good read.

After Peter was rescued he went where believers gathered to prove that a miracle that had occurred and interrupted a passionate prayer meeting. God has a sense of humor; read the account of that interruption in verses 12-17. He was also not finished with Herod since he followed his grandfather’s murderous spirit searching for Peter, consequently, the clash of two kingdoms came to a head. God will not share His throne with anyone so He sent an angel to strike Herod down and he was eaten by worms at his death.

Not only will the Kingdom of God always prevail over the kingdom of Satan, but persecution will always bring increase.

But the Word of God increased and multiplied. Acts 12:24

The account of Peter’s ministry has almost ended as another rises to take his place.

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