Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Midweek Message from the Archive

Hannah- A Story of Grace (Scene Four)

When you turn to 1 Samuel 2:1-10 you’ll find an amazing section of scripture spoken in great faith. Last week we looked at Hannah’s personal praise for Yahweh reflecting on her time of suffering. In verse two she went to a familiar place of worship:

There is none holy like the LORD for there is none besides You.

There is no rock like our God.

She realized that God is incomparable; no other god measures up to Him. He showed her grace and favor, answered her prayer for a child, and she boldly proclaimed His majesty. 

Hannah’s declarations are not only personal, but progressing through this poetry we find prophecy. God chose to speak to His people through this woman bringing warning and encouragement. Whoever would’ve thought this previously distressed and humiliated woman could be used for His glory?

Let her words sink into your heart as you read this prophecy and know that ultimately, she’s encouraging you in your life as well. No one is like our God.

Prophecy is simply God choosing to speak through a person and Hannah was a prophetess who birthed a great prophet: Samuel. Don’t miss her words of warning in verse three because they’re applicable to us as well. The warning: watch your words. God doesn’t like pride or arrogance and He’s the ultimate Judge. 

God vaulted Hannah’s words into a place of reversals; He can do that. He promised to reverse life circumstances (vs. 4-7) bringing us encouragement; don’t keep your eyes on your lower story, your physical circumstances, but remember these promises. 

He’ll break the powerful but strengthen the weak.

The full will be hungry but the hungry will be full.

The one who has many children will be emotionally spent, but the one who was barren will be complete.

Yahweh kills and Yahweh births; He can bring down and raise up.

He can reverse our lower story by making the rich poor, raising and lowering us, therefore, placing people where He wants them. He is God and there’s no one like Him.

You can count on God’s promises. If your position in life seems inconsequential be encouraged; He can change it in a moment.

These prophetic words in verses eight through ten catapult us into kingdom living; even though your lower story in life makes you feel like the underdog, He sees you as sitting beside Him in the heavenly places (Eph. 2:6) like a prince. Never forget He’s in control of this world and will guard you from the enemy. The eventual end of Satan’s rule is coming, but until then we walk in victory realizing its,

Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts. Zechariah 4:6b 

Hannah completed her telescopic prophecy with a far-future promise from God that He’ll send a strong and anointed King; we know Him as Jesus Christ, the King of all kings and He’s coming back soon.

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