Faithful on Fridays Blog

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Romans in a Nutshell

Part Four

Paul has done an amazing job of explaining the freedom we have in Christ when we become a new creation; the old life has passed away and new life has arrived (chapters 1-7). Getting practical (Chapter 8:1-17) with encouragement for all of us, both groups of people, our death sentence was legally paid for by Jesus’ death and now we have the freedom to walk in that new life. Being crystal clear in this chapter, he explains you have life choices. Using the word ‘law’ (not Old Testament Law but influences or forces) he taught in great detail that there’s a battle in your mind, your thoughts and attitudes, to lure you away from the Spirit and back into the flesh. It’s like ‘trench warfare’, opposing sides offering you choices: the law of the Spirit bringing life or the law of sin and death. Seems like a nobrainer, but read on.

After writing many letters to churches over the years, this one is focused on walking in victory through the power of the Spirit. As he contrasted both choices it’s easy to find yourself. Do I lean more toward legalism (like the Jewish believer), battling against working for God’s love and acceptance, or liberalism (like the Gentile believer), battling against the temptation to mix worldly ways with Spirit-ways? 

Yes, we are fleshly people, influenced by many things in our faith walk, but Paul stresses the power of the Holy Spirit to win those daily battles.

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Galatians 5:16-18 

He can’t make it any clearer repeating over and over again the difference between living your life according to the flesh or according to the Spirit. One brings life (zoe) and the other brings death. If you’re Jewish and led by the Spirit you’re in the family by birth, but if you’re Gentile then you were legally adopted into God’s family; both become heirs of God, and co-heirs with Jesus. Paul even used the Hebrew word ‘Abba’ and the Greek word ‘Pater’ both meaning father: both groups call God Father

We all suffer through this lower life on earth as we battle for the higher life in the Spirit, but at the same time Paul promises, through the inspired words of the Spirit, that we have a future hope: glorification. That means when Jesus returns our flesh will be swallowed up into our spirits as we live in the final, everlasting Kingdom of God. 

In a nutshell, are your life-choices in line with the Spirit or the flesh; the choice is yours.

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