Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Romans in a Nutshell

Part Five

Remembering that Paul is an educated Pharisee, a Hebrew of Hebrews (Phli. 3:5), his heart was firmly established in the Old Testament, their Bible. Beginning with 8:18 he takes us back to creation knowing that’s where we’ll end up when Jesus returns. Keeping that truth in the forefront of our mind brings great comfort when suffering and he knew that. It’s fascinating that creation, mentioned five times, is eagerly longing, expecting, even groaning, for His return, along with all of us, and the Spirit. Everyone has this anticipation of God’s family reunited, this future hope, that we’ll close the circle of time getting back to a sinless world and pure relationship with God. No sin, no curse, only a glorious eternity.

However, Paul isn’t a ‘pie in the sky’ guy, he knew we’d need help until That Day and explained that’s the role of the Spirit, our Helper, our Counselor, Defender, and our Guide. Being our Intercessor (vs. 26-27, 34) means He’s our middleman, the one who partners with us as we pray making sure we hit the bull’s eye with effective prayer. He’ll take our groaning, our sighs of helplessness, frustration, and all our emotions working everything out for our good. When you’re suffering, as this church in Rome certainly will, those words will encourage and breathe life into your prayer. 

God knew us before we were born (vs. 29-30), giving us a destiny in life, He conformed or recreated our spirit back into the image of God, invited or called us to live this new life in Christ since our sin was forgiven, and now we stand justified before God. That future hope of our glorification or new bodies living alongside Him for eternity is where our focus should be, whether Jew or Gentile, our salvation is a done deal. Paul is speechless as he completed this chapter, who wouldn’t be, and asks a few questions of the reader. 

Who can be against you when God is for you?

Doesn’t He promise to give us ‘all things’ since He gave us His only Son?

Is there any charge Satan can indict us with since we’re God’s elect?

Can anyone condemn us?

Can anyone or anything separate us from Christ’s love?

In case you’re not sure he gives us the answer in one word: No!

Why? Because we’re Nike people, overcomers, and more than conquerors, we win. But how can you be more than a conqueror? Conquerors are triumphant in battle and return home to assure the people of victory. Jesus did that for us, He spiritually fought the battle against the strongholds of sin, death, and Satan, and now He tells us we can stand in His victory resisting temptation and sin until He returns and they’re gone forever. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from that kind of love we have in Christ Jesus our Lord: that’s our nutshell. What about the Jews that haven’t recognized their Messiah? Be patient, that’s for next week.

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