Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Midweek Message from the Archive

Beatitudes Part Nine: Persecuted

Many of you know the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, but do you know it’s history? It fits beautifully with the last two beatitudes which speak of another reason people call you blessed: persecution

What’s the connection of persecution with the song? Let me explain. In the 16th century Roman Catholics were persecuted in England for their faith. Surprisingly, the persecution wasn’t from unbelievers, it was from other Christians. Yes, in our bleak past, believers have always suffered, but not always from outside the faith. Shamefully, we have tormented one another in the name of Christ. 

This song was written as a memory device for learning Christian doctrine. Here how it goes:

  • My true love is Jesus Christ, our returning King.
  • A partridge in a pear tree is the Savior, pictured as a mother who serves as a decoy to protect her young
  • Two turtle doves– Old and New Testaments
  • Three French hens– faith, hope, and love
  • Four calling birds– four gospels
  • Five golden ringsTorah, the first five books of the Old Testament
  • Six geese-a-laying– six days of creation
  • Seven swans-a-swimming– seven gifts of the Spirit
  • Eight maids-a-milking– eight beatitudes
  • Nine ladies dancing– nine fruits of the Spirit
  • Ten lords-a-leaping– ten commandments 
  • Eleven pipers piping– eleven faithful disciples
  • Twelve drummers drumming– twelve articles of the Apostles Creed

Jesus taught there will always be persecution for believers, apparently, if you live a godly life you can expect persecution (2 Tim. 3:12). What could possibly have sustained believers through the ages as they took their stand under threat of torture, imprisonment, loss of income, or family? Could it be that their belief in the gospel was reality to them? It wasn’t some cosmic belief system, but faith that was experienced and intimate. The Encyclopedia of Christian Martyrs tells the stories of over 200,000 Christians from over 50 nations who lost their lives rather than deny their faith. This beatitude tells us they have a great reward waiting for them. 

Read Hebrews 11 this week, consider what others have gone through as they stood in the power of the Spirit under extreme treatment or read the stories of other martyrs: Ignatius of Antioch or Polykarp from the first century, the Waldenses, the Inquisitions, Bishops Latimer, Ridley, and Cranmer later on. Down through history men and women alike have endured suffering for the sake of the gospel. For us in America it’s a part of faith we haven’t yet experienced, consequently that’s all the more reason to read their stories and know what’s happening today to Christians around the world. The Voice of the Martyrs has a website helping you stay informed in order to pray for these brothers and sisters. What a great New Years resolution this could be; definitely of more value than losing 10 lbs (only to gain them back) or getting on an exercise regiment (which you’ll soon quit). “Rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven!” Matt. 5:12a

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