Midweek Message from the Archive
Psalm 119: Third Octave
Open your Bible to Psalm 119:17-24 as we continue with the next octave or eight verses. The Hebrew word that sets the tone for this section is ga’mol. It’s a great word because it’s meaning is reward and God’s goodness: He rewards those who seek Him (Heb. 11:6) and enjoys doing good for us (Luke 12:32). The opening line is a request to experience God’s goodness in a big way. The Psalmist acknowledged being a servant of God and the desire to live the higher life, kingdom living, as he practices what he preaches. What a qualifier. If we want good things from God we need to look at ourselves and be honest: do we walk the talk? Actions do speak louder than words.
Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things He does for me. Psalms 103:2
The next verse is another request, a desire for God to give clarity as he spiritually sees His wonderful teachings. His ways bring wholeness, joy, and peace: the higher life. That means he must forgive, obey His instructions or commandments, and spend time getting to know His goodness.
The LORD is good to those who depend on Him, to those who search for Him. Lamentations 3:25
The Psalmist knew that life on earth is temporary (vs. 19-20), we’re just passing through, so to speak. Our eternal home is with God, residing in heaven, and then we return to this renewed earth with Jesus (2nd Coming). His request is for God to reveal his individual mission. Commandments, the word used here, are not the Ten Commandments, they’re God’s commission or charge for us: our purpose on earth. He’s overwhelmed with desire to understand God’s righteous ways and complete that mission.
The LORD is good and does what is right; He shows the proper path to those who go astray. Psalms 25:8
We’re reminded in verses 21-23 of our enemies who won’t understand our desire to please God; it’s foolishness to them. We may experience mockery, scorn, or contempt, but our eyes stay on the prize: God’s goodness. How do we fight those spiritual battles of depression, rejection, anger, pride, or fear? Our strategy is simple: meditate on His Word every day. His testimonies counsel us, show us how to respond to life circumstances, and what we should say in stressful situations.
The LORD is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in Him. Nahum 1:7
God’s Word is our instruction manual and should us bring us delight. When we’re unsure of what to say or do we find the answers in His Word. His Word is designed to counsel you, that’s the kind of therapy you can count on, and it’s free … don’t miss your appointment.
O LORD, do good to those who are good, whose hearts are in tune with You. Psalms 125:4
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