Faithful on Fridays Blog

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Acts- Part Five

History tells us it’s only been a year since Jesus’ ascension yet much has transpired. Two kingdoms are highlighted in chapters 8-9: the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. As the Holy Spirit moved it became threatening to the demonic power that kept people bound: a collision of kingdoms.

As Philip boldly proclaimed the kingdom of God, the kingdom of darkness was infiltrated: enter Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:9). Declaring himself to be the Great and Powerful One people who believed him were now turning to Jesus Christ the Messiah. Simon had wowed people with his magic, the Greek word is pharmakeia, poisonous or mind-altering acts, and he, in turn, tried to infiltrate the church. Peter, once again, operated in the gift of spiritual discernment, recognized his end-goal, and called him out.

The entire region of Samaria was affected by Philip’s evangelizing, however, he received a new assignment from an angel to travel to the Gaza Strip. Signs and wonders. Philip had the unique experience of ministering to a Jewish, Ethiopian treasurer and was then supernaturally translated to the coastline to continue his mission.

It wasn’t simply the devil who tried to abort the Church but also the Jewish leaders whose authority was threatened: enter Saul, later called Paul.

The Greek word for persecution means to earnestly pursue and passionately apprehend; this was Saul’s end-goal (ch. 9) that God supernaturally flipped. He experienced signs and wonders to authenticate the Person of Jesus Christ and his passion, then, became His Church. Jesus considered Saul’s persecution to be against Himself; He takes His Church personally since we are His Bride. However, never underestimate God’s chosen instrument (vs. 15) to complete His assignments; Saul was spiritually reborn that day and later filled with the Holy Spirit for ministry.

Saul immediately traveled to his Jewish brothers in Damascus declaring that Jesus is the Son of God, of course they were confused considering his past persecution, but Saul was now empowered (vs. 22) by the Spirit and used his gifts effectively. His gift of teaching enabled him to prove that Jesus was their Messiah fulfilling the Scriptures but it wasn’t enough; his persecution had begun.

Plots to kill Saul were detected and he escaped only to enter Jerusalem where the disciples feared him. Saul needed time to prove his conversion, you recognize a tree by its fruit (Matt. 7:15-20), and God gave him a Barnabas, an encourager, to help change his reputation. Persecution followed Saul wherever he went but that didn’t stop his bold preaching or the building up of the Church; it continued to grow throughout the region as people walked out their faith in the encouragement of the Spirit.

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Philippians 2:1-2 ESV

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