Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Midweek Message from the Archive

New is Good

Have you been watching the news recently and thought that our world seems to be spinning out of control? Just in our nation the statistics for the homeless, jobless, drug abusers, slave trafficking, poverty, child abusers, divorces, battered women, need I go on, are astounding. It’s enough to cause us to release a heavy sigh and feel a sense of helplessness. 

This is not going to be a Debby-Downer message today; it’s one of hope and good news. The Savior of the World, the Redeemer of Mankind, and the King of all Kings is coming back to rescue His chosen ones! That’s the best news ever. He’s not going to leave us in this present state forever; He’s returning to sit on His throne and be the Judge and King for eternity. If that’s not enough to make you get up in the morning with a smile, I don’t know what is. Yes, we live in a broken world and yes, all of the statistics are probably true but believers don’t stop with the facts and the outward circumstances. We look beyond the numbers and toward the truth of … a day is coming. This world of crime and injustice against one another will come to an end and we will rule and reign with Him, now, that’s good news! 

Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will reveal to us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who His children really are. Rom. 8:18-19

Did you notice that word eagerly? We are to be desiring, longing, and even yearning for That Day to arrive. The Day of the Second Coming of the Lord will be a glorious day that everyone on the planet will view; every eye will see Him appear. There will be no mistaking His arrival, no one will question His appearance, and all creation will breathe out a heavy sigh that this age is completed and a new one has arrived. Let’s remember that this fallen world in which we now reside will be transformed into a new kingdom from which we will spend eternity. 

There are several words that mean ‘new’ in Greek. One is new in time (neos) and the other is new in quality (kainos). God has a fresh start planned for His people (kainos); it will be new in quality and have a new form, refreshed and renewed. There will be a renewed heaven, a renewed earth, and a renewed Jerusalem. We will live in the new covenant, as a new creature, with a new name, and a new song! He will not recreate all of this but will renew them in quality and form. Oh, what a glorious Day that will be. 

So be encouraged today:

For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. Hebrews 13:14 NLT

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