Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Midweek Message from the Archive

Colossians Chapter 4

Dance with God

There is a powerful sense of accomplishment when you finish something, isn’t that true? Whether its cleaning out the garage or a closet, organizing an area of your home, or finishing a good book; it just feels good. I hope you feel that way today as we complete the Book of Colossians.

Paul completed his letter (Chapter Four) the same way he began it, with prayer. Remember back in chapter one all the times that Paul told believers he was praying for them? Such an encouragement! What a relief to know people are praying for you. Paul has changed, though. He’s now asking for prayer. The music in his ministry has changed, like dancing with God, and He changes the words, the tempo, and the tune. 

Yet Paul is all about ministry. He traveled around teaching, preaching, praying, and encouraging believers. Remember, there’s no New Testament; it hadn’t been written yet. Thankfully, all those new Christians in Colassae, a city in ancient Turkey, had other believers who came long distances to minister to them in person. I love it that Paul mentioned some of them by name. It must have been such a privilege to have their name in his endorsements. Don’t fly through those names too quickly. I know they’re hard to pronounce but read the lines that describe the person. The common characteristic in all the people mentioned is servanthood. They were all serving Christ by using their spiritual gifts in this dance with God.

As he brings his letter to a close, Paul makes a statement that I think is very important. To one of his co-workers in ministry he wrote, “Be sure to carry out the ministry the Lord gave you.” I want to complete this series on Colossians the same way. God has given you gifts to make a meaningful difference in the Kingdom of God. Have you identified them? Have you found that ‘sweet spot’ in the Church where you can dance with God? If you haven’t, try thinking about what interests you, what you’re passionate about, or what you see as a need in your church. Talk to people about it, especially the leadership. They’ll be there for you with encouragement, suggestions, and prayer. 

Whatever your dance looks like today, be sure God is in the lead. Let Him move you around the dance floor at His pace. Your song may change, the words may be different, and it’s pace may be slower or faster, but let God lead. I’m leaving you with a video that pictures this dance with God. I hope you’ll take the time to watch it and see yourself as He moves you around the dance floor of your life. Just click on the link.

If YouTube doesn’t connect you through this link then go to My Heart will Dance by David and Nicole Binion and enjoy a few minutes of worship.

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