Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Midweek Message from the Archive

Defend your Faith

Part 2

People love a vigorous debate over a topic they’re passionate about, but some choose to remain quiet and just listen. That’s often because they’re not prepared and can’t support what they believe in. Have you ever watched someone get surprisingly excited over a topic? They begin to show their enthusiasm by their voice getting louder and their body language gets expressive? You may find yourself responding with surprise, “Wow, I didn’t know you felt so strongly about that!” I want my faith in God to be strong enough that when people question Christianity I don’t remain quiet but have the right words with which to respond. 

What are the right words? Well, it all depends on your audience and the slant of the discussion. With the help of the Holy Spirit you can respond to anyone in truth and love to the issue that’s confronting you. The apostle Peter, in the scripture from last week, wrote that we should respond in a gentle and respectful way; we can be passionate and yet kind. 

… in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15

  • People can debate with you how the world came into existence but they cannot debate the love you have in your heart for the God you believe created it. 
  • They can argue about whether Jesus Christ was God in human form, however, they can’t argue your personal story when He undoubtedly resolved a situation in your favor.
  • They can dispute that the Holy Spirit is living in your heart because they haven’t experienced it, but they can’t dispute the comfort He gives you when you’re depressed or hopeless. 
  • Unbelievers look for evidence of God and try to explain His mysteries, in contrast, believers accept His mysteries and simply walk by faith.

The good life, kingdom living in Christ, is a good reply to naysayers about the hope that’s in you through Christ. No one can argue as you describe the victory Jesus brought you in life and they may even envy it. 

… if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. 1 Peter 3:16b 

Living the good life means that Jesus is not just your Savior but your Lord and your conscience is clear. Your life is a testimony of the faith you have in a God you cannot see (1 Peter 1:8&9). No one can dispute a person who is full of joy and hope for the future, no matter how bleak the present circumstances may look. I want to be a person who makes a defense for faith by my life and the way I live it. It’s not always easy, walking in humility never is, but it’s definitely worth it.

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