Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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Prepared to Stand: Scene Five

As we’ve walked through the life of Elijah the prophet it’s easy to see how God’s power isn’t affected by man’s weaknesses; God is well aware. Conversely, God isn’t affected by man’s strengths either, consider Jezebel, for example.

This wicked queen who stood beside King Ahab was driven by power, pride, and control using it effectively. She operated within the government with this demonic influence hating God and, therefore, hating anyone associated with Him. She used her royal authority to persecute the prophets who spoke for God, but also everyday worshippers of Yahweh like Naboth (1 Kings 21), a local, family-owned vineyard keeper.

Like a spoiled child who can’t get the toy he wants, Ahab went sulking to Jezebel whining about Naboth’s vineyard he desperately wanted but couldn’t get. That’s all she needed to vindicate herself since the showdown on Mt. Carmel when she was overpowered by God. Jezebel seized the opportunity not only to persecute but to crush a God-follower.

Naboth took his stand refusing to sell his family inheritance but it didn’t turn out as you’d expect. God chose not to deliver him, in fact, Jezebel had him stoned to death. Where’s the vindication? Where was God’s defense team? He allowed it to happen.

It reminds me of what’s happening with Russia and Ukraine right now. A wicked king, motivated by demonic influence, wants some property and is refused. What does he do? He seeks to conquer the people and take what’s not his. Hmmmmm

The story isn’t over after Naboth’s execution for standing up to an evil government; Elijah enters the scene. He has another word from the Lord and it’s not good for the royal family. Interestingly, God doesn’t even recognize Ahab’s queen, He deals with the one He’s put in authority: the king. Elijah prophesied his death to be in the same place Naboth died and as dogs licked his blood so they would lick Ahab’s blood. There’s part of God’s vindication of Naboth.

Jezebel doesn’t get away scot-free but also incurs the wrath of God in her prophesied death where dogs and birds will eat her pagan bones. Her demonic influence was only temporary since Ahab repented before God and was mercifully spared, however, not his future generations. The king would reap what he sowed; he stole a family inheritance from Naboth and God removed the royal family inheritance from him. Vindication.

Jesus explained that a divided kingdom or family can’t stand (Luke 11:17-23) and we certainly see that in this story. We’re continuously encouraged by the Lord to take our stand, overcome the enemy, triumph in life: be a Nike Believer! That’s accomplished by living not in the lower story but continuously letting the upper, spiritual story rule our hearts and minds. As the believers in Ukraine see devastation all around them are they truly defeated?

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37 

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