Faithful on Fridays Blog

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The Model Church: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Signs, wonders, and miracles were a part Paul, Silas, and Timothy’s evangelism plan and, in the midst of suffering, experienced proof God had truly sent them. In Chapter Two Paul referred to the shameful treatment this team endured in Philippi which included a severe beating and imprisonment without a trial (Acts 16:11-14). Prison was their reward for delivering a slave girl from demon possession which angered her owners who profited from her ‘fortunetelling’. God came to the ministry team’s rescue and brought His own deliverance; He caused an earthquake and everyone’s shackles were loosed! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to experience His signs and wonders in ministry, however, are we willing to suffer first?

Paul is reminding the Thessalonians (vs. 3-8), calling them brothers and sisters, of this backstory of persecution and conflict saying, “You know …” They have personal awareness or observation of everything that happened in Philippi and yet this team followed the Spirit’s leading continuing to their city boldly preaching the gospel. It seems that Paul knew God was testing them and they passed with flying colors (vs. 4). Their hearts were pure, operating out of love and obedience, not deception, manipulation, greed, or their own glory. Their apostolic hearts desired to form caring relationships and exemplify Christian behavior for this new church to imitate. These believers knew that to be true.

Paul, writing from Corinth, asks these Spirit-filled believers to remember all the good times when the team came preaching and teaching the gospel message day and night. There were apparently difficulties and obstacles to overcome but this team persevered in their assignment; they taught them Kingdom principles emulating Jesus’ teachings. 

What do we mean when we read that Paul or anyone preached the gospel? Going back to Jesus’ ministry we find He fulfilled Old Testament prophecy, was filled with the Spirit for power for to stand against the devil, praying for healing and deliverance for people, teaching morals from a Biblical standard, and what it looks like when we live in the Kingdom of God through the parables.

Yes, the gospel is His death in our place and the resurrection is the proof, but also His infilling of the Spirit empowering us to live as Christ-followers and not just ‘get by’ in life. He desires us to be overcomers, victorious, and full of faith as we wait for His Return. That’s the full gospel

Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20-21

As representatives of Christ we follow this model church, who followed Paul’s ministry team, who followed the Lord Jesus Christ who preached the complete gospel, the good news, with joy in tribulation, walking in a manner worthy of their calling: that’s our assignment.

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