Faithful on Fridays Blog

A spiritual uplift to get you through the week


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The Model Church: 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20

Open your Bible to this section and walk with me as we gain more understanding of why Paul called this a model church. He wrote out of a thankful heart since they received and accepted the Word of God. Paul chose his words carefully, they received and accepted what he had to say: two different words. 

The Greek word for receive means to take what you hear into your heart and let it begin a work of transformation. I know sometimes I physically hear the Word of God, but do I allow those inspired words to work in my life? Not always. He followed up with ‘they accepted it’ which indicates believing what they heard; they embraced God’s Word by faith. 

Remember, this church plant didn’t have the authoritative and inerrant New Testament, it wasn’t written yet, they only had Paul, Silas, and Timothy’s preaching and teaching. Their words were grounded in the Old Testament, firsthand accounts of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and this team’s testimonies of healings, deliverances, miracles, and transformed lives. It’s no different for us today, however, we have a full account written for us to receive and accept.

This is rightfully a model church due to their persecution as well. The Jerusalem Church suffered under religious leaders and the government (Acts 4-12), comparatively, the Thessalonians were enduring similar pressure to give up on the gospel. They’ve become imitators (mimics) in their stand for Christ in the midst of opposition and Paul is commending them. God, on the other hand, has had enough and these persecutors have reached the limits as His wrath which will eventually be poured out on them. We know Jerusalem and the Temple were both demolished in AD 70 and the Jews were dispersed to the nations where many remain today.

Paul also reminded them of the work of Satan as he tried to hinder the gospel by putting obstacles at every turn, thereby attempting to prevent this church from growing. Paul deeply desired to return to them since they’re considered his sign of hope or confident expectation, and the joy of his heart. The Holy Spirit was using his spiritual gifts to build up this body of believers and strengthen their faith; isn’t that a great example for us today? The Spirit has also put His gifts in you with expectation you’ll use them as well; why not start today by asking where you can serve Him? 

Lastly, Paul declared this model church to be his crown of boasting as they all wait for the return of the Lord Jesus: the Second Coming. He’s not being arrogant but, as an example to all churches, encouraging them to continue in the faith. May we follow this pattern, never giving up, and allowing the Spirit of Christ to guide us into our assignments or missions in our churches. The heart of this ministry team is encouragement to ‘keep on keeping on’, and it’s for our churches as well.

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