Faithful on Fridays Blog

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Miracles in the Bible: Part Six

Calming the Storm: Matt. 8:18, 23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25

Jesus performed two storm-miracles on Sea of Galilee early in His ministry as part of His Leadership Development Training. He taught to exhaustion huge crowds that assembled, consequently, needed some rest. Telling the disciples to head out across the sea, Jesus fell asleep in the stern alongside a brewing storm. The high winds began to blow, waves were crashing over the sides, and everyone knew sinking was inevitable. They were in serious distress yet Jesus remained sleeping until they cried out whether He even cared and begged for rescue! 

Here’s the miracle; Jesus rebuked the wind and commanded silence from the storm; the raging waters obeyed His Voice. Interestingly, when Jesus confronted demons and commanded silence it’s also called a ‘rebuke’. This must’ve been some demonic-storm, however, when the Son of God commands silence you obey. Remember, these guys are still learning to trust, yet He directs their attention to see the difference between fear and faith (Mark 4:40).

What’s our upper story? We’re all growing in faith, little by little, experience by experience, learning to trust Him. We need to remember He really does care and will rescue us when the winds and waves of life seem to be overpowering. 

Walking on Water: Matt. 14:24-33; Mark 6:47-52; John 6:16-21

Again, Jesus chose the sea to prove He’s Messiah after He’s spent all day alone in prayer then instructed the disciples to go ahead of Him, this time, by boat. As the high winds came against them again, beating them down, Jesus’ Leadership Development Training takes a twist; He came to them walking on the water. The winds were hostile, in opposition, and adversarial (meaning of against) to them, torturing or battering them to the point of pain (meaning of beaten) as they rowed. It was so dark He almost passed them by but when they saw Him were filled with fear, though they recognized The Voice: “It’s just Me, don’t be scared.” In this story He didn’t command silence but simply got in the boat; His presence was enough to calm the torturous storm and prove His point. 

Only Mark includes the account of Peter joining Jesus on the water, but he allowed the winds to cause fear, lovingly, Jesus took hold of him encouraging this future leader to not doubt but grow in faith. Mark alone mentions their hard-heartedness for not remembering the miracle of feeding close to 50,000 people on different occasions. 

What’s our upper story? As we grow in faith God can use demonic storms in our lives to help us recognize His voice, rescue us when we’re beaten down, strengthening our guard against hard-heartedness by not remembering and trusting Him. If He delivered you once, He’ll do it again: remember. Be assured, my friends, His love and care causes Him to go to great lengths to deliver you.

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