Faithful on Fridays Blog

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War in Israel: What’s Your Perspective?

Episode One

As Christ followers it’s crucial for our perspective on the war in Israel be Biblical and for that, some research is needed. When I begin Biblical research on a topic God always leads me back to Genesis; of course, that’s the beginning. This topic was no different; scripture explains all of it. 

Gen. 3:15 declares right from the get-go that God promised Satan, that ancient serpent, to send the Offspring of a woman, the Messiah, to crush his head or authority. Satan’s perspective of that Offspring (Jesus) and the woman as his enemy, would be like an opposing party, and he’d experience hostility, perpetual hatred, and fury against them. You see, if Satan can’t destroy God, he’ll destroy those whom God loves.

Then the dragon (Satan) became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. Revelation 12:17a-b 

That perpetual hatred of the devil against Jesus, the Seed or Offspring of the woman, is what we call antisemitism. It’s war language against the Jewish Messiah, our Christ, and when Satan comes against Israel, the Jewish people, he comes against Christ’s body or the Church.

Hamas (in Hebrew means violence, cruelty, wickedness, ruthlessness, or with weapons of violence) and Hezbollah (in Arabic means political party of god) are Israel’s physical or lower story enemies. Their stated goal is to wipe Israel off the map using resources supplied by Iran, interestingly, ancient Persia. Their perspective, as Iran’s Supreme Leader has stated, “America is the Great Satan and Israel is the Little Satan.”

Attempting to wipe out the Jewish people is nothing new. Consider the Pharaoh of Egypt, under this antichrist spirit, ordering the murder of all baby boys birthed to Jewish mothers (Ex. 1:22), or the Persian (modern day Iran) named Haman (Esther 3:1-6, 13) who ordered the annihilation of all Jews in one day, or that same spirit of Haman operating in Hitler. His goal was also to kill, steal, and destroy God’s chosen people wiping them off the face of the earth. 

Now we have a Biblical perspective of why Hamas and Hezbollah want to destroy the Jewish people and will go to great lengths to be triumphant. We’ve witnessed from the media the ruthlessness, violence, and fury of the spirit behind them, but we must keep in mind that not every Palestinian is part of Hamas, not every resident of Lebanon is part of Hezbollah, in fact, they are the innocent ones. As Christians our perspective must be God’s as we pray for the innocent, the Body of Christ in both places, and for the Jewish people to remain strong and win this war. Paul, a Messianic Jew wrote,

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Romans 8:31, 33

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