Faithful on Fridays Blog

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The Table: Part One

The English language is full of idioms, phrases that use lower stories pointing to an upper story, that only English speaking listeners understand. Sayings or expressions using metaphors cause you to think a little deeper, take a table, for example. Do I want you to literally ‘take’ a table somewhere … or think about the characteristics of a table? The Hebrew language takes these idioms to a new level as we study the upper story meaning in Biblical passages. Stay with me; this is gonna be fun.

The Hebrew word for table is ‘shulkan’ whose root meaning is to spread or stretch out, send away or extend, let loose or free something. That’s quite a variety of meaning, but as we gather around the table, I lay all my cards on the table, and you have a seat at the table more understanding will come.

In Proverbs 6:12-19 we find seven things the Lord actually hates; that should peak your interest. Last on the list is ‘one who sows discord among the brothers’. The lower story causes you to think about planting seeds (sowing), however, the upper story or spiritual meaning is that God hates spreading or letting loose of words that cause conflict. It’s like setting a table of lies, causing trouble. 

Jacob’s son, Joseph, became a ruler in Egypt, therefore, had a privileged table where he met face to face with his brothers revealing his true identity. Later, when God spoke to Moses in the book of Exodus His repeated instructions were to tell Pharaoh, “Let My people go!” letting loose, freeing, and sending them away; their bondage is ‘off the table’ so to speak. Finally, God gave Moses the pattern for the Tabernacle (Ex. 25) including a golden Table of Showbread prepared with plates, dishes, pitchers, and bowls arranged alongside 12 loaves of bread. God wanted a beautiful, organized table set and replenished every week on the Sabbath, reminding them of His Presence among them. The Table of His Presence was the upper story seen in this shulkan from which we can benefit. How? 

God gives us a seat at His Table when we take the time to sit with Him in prayer. We comfortably stretch out, let loose of our troubles, with nothing off the table since He’s trustworthy and promises freedom at His Table. There’s more to come about the table, but let’s table it for now, and think about what needs to be discussed with Him in order for us to be free. Trouble with anger? Depression? Lies? Family conflict? Work? Lay all your cards on the table with God, be honest since He already knows your heart. Let this last week of Lent be a time of spiritual renewal as you think about Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and finally Resurrection Sunday! 

I want to set a beautiful table with my best dishes, silverware, glassware, and fresh bread because it reminds me of God’s Presence and freedom that’s always available at His Table. 

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