Joseph and His Coat: Scene Two
There are some vital truths for us to learn in this complex story of Joseph. First of all, having ten older brothers must’ve been a challenge, to say the least. Joseph’s highly favored mother died birthing Benjamin, the youngest, but brothers will be brothers and the favor shown to Rachel’s two sons undoubtedly bred jealousy within the family.
Joseph’s name means ‘do it again’ or God repeats which we’ll see throughout his remarkable life that’s influenced by his parents and their poor choices. You may think there’s a generational curse or sin that’s been handed down to Joseph, maybe you even think there’s one on your family, but take heart, Jesus has redeemed us from any and all curses (Gal. 3:10-14). The word curse in the New Testament is anathema meaning to be devoted for destruction. Someone who’s set up for failure is cursed, however, we’ll see in Joseph’s life, even with his messy family history, he’s not under the power of any generational curse.
You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love Me and keep My commandments. Exodus 20:5-6
The key to a messy family is to love and obey God so our enemy has no inroads into our lives. If our parents didn’t pattern God’s higher life we can change that by devoting our families to Him teaching them to love and obey Jesus. Don’t get me wrong, everyone makes their own choices, children, teenagers, and young adults that often leave harsh consequences, but never forget He’s a good Father who loves and corrects His children. We always remember our enemy is like a prowling lion watching for any opportunity to pounce on our kids using social media, influencers in our lives, and weaknesses he views. Be alert and on guard (1 Peter 5:5-11)!
It’s crucial to see that Joseph could’ve had many excuses for his bad choices if he wanted to blame his parents, yet he eventually chose integrity. He was a favorite, self-centered, entitled teenager who received a colorful coat from his father and pride entered … ahhhh … the inroad Satan required. Sibling rivalry brings severe family disunity as we find the brothers simmering in hatred. It wasn’t enough Jacob favored Joseph in the family, undoubtedly seeing nothing wrong with that, but also may have overcompensated since Joseph had no mother. Making some bad decisions, Joseph became a ‘confidential informant’ on his brothers, and seemed oblivious to that poor choice.
Jealousy, wanting what other people have, breeds all kinds of malicious behavior and it’s dangerous. Resentment can control you and Satan watches for those weaknesses and opportunities. Moral of the story? Model kindness, generosity, humility, and forgiveness in your family through your words and actions remembering, they’re watching too.